Webmaster Peace Revolution

Training Course On Eastern Religions And Youth Work – ASHA Centre, UK, 3rd – 10th December 2013

In December 2013, twenty six participants from Spain, UK, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Greece, Germany and Croatia came together to explore philosophies, cultures and religions of the East, and their applicability and relevance to the western world and youth work.
Meditation and the mind were explored a lot during the training, due to the strong relevance in most of the eastern traditions, as well as an increasingly popular part of western life. Peace Architect Tissione Parmar presented the work of Peace Revolution in this training including the fellowships and PIPO on Demand events from all over the world.
The ASHA Centre is a very special place in the Forest of Dean in the United Kingdom, and they are incredibly supportive friends of Peace Revolution! ASHA Centre is a charity are a wonderful multicultural hub of youth work, inter-faith, peace and sustainable development and are one of the UK’s most active Youth In Action organisations, hosting EVS volunteers and several trainings throughout the year. They also have some exciting projects worldwide.

Submitted on 17 Mar 2014 19:21

Tariq Khan

Good work...Keep it up.

Submitted on 18 Mar 2014 04:37 from Ariya App

Geeti Aryanpur

Just awsome

Submitted on 18 Mar 2014 19:13 from Ariya App